Opinion :
lausunto, mieli, näkymä, ajatus, äänestys, himoita, valinta, tuomio, tarkoitus, käsite, konsepti, käsitys, harkinta, harkinnan, ottaa huomioon, hyväksyminen, tahallisuus, tavoite, silmä, Katso, huomio, näkymät, näky
Noun(1) a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty(2) a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof(3) a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people(4) the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision(5) the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself(6) a vague idea in which some confidence is placed
(1) I hope I never see the day when science is dictated by majority opinion and force of personality.(2) The respondents offered as expert evidence the opinion of Professor Gompers, which is addressed below.(3) I didn't want to be honest with her as to my opinion of the quality of that statement, so I said nothing in reply.(4) You and the lawyer putting you forward must always be mindful that the expert opinion you seek to give fulfills each of these four criteria(5) In his opinion it is vital to improve international travellers' knowledge about the country and the city.(6) that, in my opinion , is dead right(7) Given my lack of knowledge, why would anyone be interested in my opinion ?(8) They are accused of creating a too liberal climate of opinion and thus ÔÇÿhelping this to happenÔÇÖ.(9) I believe an article should be written on this website because in my opinion it matches the views of most people.(10) I had a higher opinion of myself than I deserved(11) Are you able to provide an opinion or counsel's opinion on the merits?(12) that, in my opinion , is right(13) Whose expert opinion did they seek for advice on this matter?(14) What, in your opinion , is the significance of the fact that many modern appliances are designed to be used with one hand?(15) The parents went for a second opinion to the professor who wrote this article.(16) seeking a second opinion from a specialist
Related Phrases of opinion(1) in my opinion ::
minun mielestäni(2) your opinion ::
mielipiteesi(3) in your opinion ::
sinun mielestäsi(4) public opinion ::
julkinen mielipide(5) opinion poll ::
mielipidekysely(6) in my humble opinion ::
minun nöyrä mielipiteeni on(7) personal opinion ::
henkilökohtainen mielipide(8) opinion polls ::
mielipidekyselyt(9) legal opinion ::
oikeudellinen lausunto
(1) in my opinion ::
minun mielestäni(2) your opinion ::
mielipiteesi(3) in your opinion ::
sinun mielestäsi(4) public opinion ::
julkinen mielipide(5) opinion poll ::
mielipidekysely(6) in my humble opinion ::
minun nöyrä mielipiteeni on(7) personal opinion ::
henkilökohtainen mielipide(8) opinion polls ::
mielipidekyselyt(9) legal opinion ::
oikeudellinen lausunto
1. belief ::
2. ruling ::
3. popular opinion ::
yleinen mielipide
4. view ::
5. judgment ::
1. belief ::
2. ruling ::
3. popular opinion ::
yleinen mielipide
4. view ::
5. judgment ::
Different Formsopinion, opinions
Word Example from TV Shows
Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 11

You have no right to an OPINION.
Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 6

Can I get your
OPINION on something
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 19

after you left me in a really bad position
before the public OPINION